
Step 1

Join Now pay via PayPal or we can also take an E-Transfer to
(Our preferred methods, that way we don’t have to get out of the water.)

Step 2

We no longer mail out membership information and you will be receiving an electronic membership card for you to print out.

Step 3

Mark your calendar for the next event and start to create the dive gear pile in your living room, trust us, nobody won’t mind ;). Remember to bring you membership card with you to all events since it is required for dive participation and prize draws.

The Fine Print

Membership fee is $40.00 per year.

This purchases memberships in both the Underwater Outlaws & the AUC.

As approved by a vote by the members in attendance at the AGM, we will be including Alberta Underwater Council (AUC) memberships in the cost for the Outlaws memberships going forward.

Membership fees for the Outlaws will NOT be going up, however, members will be required to pay for their AUC membership dues when paying for their Outlaws memberships, this means that the total annual fee due will now be $40/year ($20 for Outlaws dues + $20 for AUC dues). Outlaws dues will also now be for a 12 month period just like AUC dues, beginning in the month your membership was purchased (Outlaws membership used to be January to January) and membership fees will be due on the last day of your anniversary month.

All membership renewal dates are based on when you joined the club and do not change based on when you renew your membership. For example, if your renewal is in October 2020 and you wait six months to renew in March 2021, your membership is renewed as of October 2020 and your will be reminded to renew October 2021 for the new year.

Privacy Policy:

Personal Membership information is collected for insurance purposes and maintained by the Underwater Outlaws office in Calgary and may provide the affiliated club (if any) with information on your membership status, but in these cases, your information is protected by the Underwater Outlaw’s comprehensive privacy policy.